Virtual Jeopardy
- $500.00
An all-new way to connect! This well-known game show turns into the ultimate edutainment method, turning your attendees into star performers. Your Jeopardy! game can be played in-person or virtually, and the results identify individual and group knowledge gaps. Creating this fun office game content is easy! Choose event based questions, event history questions or more general and fun questions! With all the questions and clues coming the form of text, images and in bedded videos. Teams will experience this fun game exactly like the show, including:
• Classic Jeopardy! Rounds
• Double Jeopardy!
• Daily Doubles
• Final Jeopardy!
If players have any money left after the first 2 rounds, they can wager points in the final Jeopardy!® round. We partner with you from designing your game and questions to executing your Jeopardy! event! The virtual game connects everyone remotely from home or any location. Our hosts are engaging and interactive with a live game board showing on the screen but best part... all the players all answer the questions on their own devices earning points based on how quickly they answer the question before time expires. This event is perfect for all virtual events looking to bond with their participants!